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How Do I Find My Centre Again? The Luxury of Non-Resistance

How do you confront the constant barrage of distractions and stresses in your life?  When you’re meditating and a loud noise comes out of nowhere, how do you REACT? Are you irritated that someone’s disturbed your peace? Are you shocked out of your se...

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Why Curiosity Killed the Cat? A Worthy Compass

We’ve all heard the saying “Curiosity killed the cat.” It’s used to warn you against poking your nose where it doesn’t belong or to caution against the risks of exploring the unknown.  But curiosity isn’t something to steer away from. It's a necessar...

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What Does Resetting your Nervous System Do? Understanding your Lifeblood

Wouldn't you rather be more intentional, be able to do more, appreciate more, and accomplish even more while being clear-headed, highly focused, relaxed, at peace and well-rested? Resetting your nervous system is like hitting a refresh button for you...

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What Can I Do to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally? Grateful. Easy. Surrender

Ever feel like life’s stressors are tipping your balance?  You’re not alone.  As someone savvy about wellness, you know cortisol is crucial for your body's response to stress, but when it’s overproduced, it can lead to havoc.  In this blog post, I’ll...

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Do You Think You Need a Digital Detox? Why (Not): What's Connection Got to Do With It?

You’ve been scrolling through your phone, haven’t you? ...Only to realise too much time has slipped away, your eyes are tired, and you still haven't satisfied the curiosity that led you online in the first place?  You know we all do it! In this post,...

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How powerful is yoga nidra: The Self Behind the Magic

Have you ever found the key that unlocks deep relaxation, heightened creativity, and self-discovery—all while remaining fully conscious?  Enter Yoga Nidra; a practice that promises relaxation and an evolutionary path into the inner realms of your min...

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Evelyn Stavrinidis is a holistic therapist & mindbody coach who explores meaningful & impactful ventures for greatest wellbeing.