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How Do I Find My Centre Again? The Luxury of Non-Resistance

How do you confront the constant barrage of distractions and stresses in your life?  When you’re meditating and a loud noise comes out of nowhere, how do you REACT? Are you irritated that someone’s disturbed your peace? Are you shocked out of your se...

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What is the Golden Rule of Self-Discipline? The Wanted Key & Hidden Superpower

You're deep into your passion project, totally in the zone. But then, distractions start creeping in—social media pings, the allure of binge-watching your favourite series, or just the comfort of putting things off.  For many of us, especially those ...

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What Does Inner Resistance Feel Like? Opportunities To Be Had

Ever feel like your progress is stuck in quicksand? As someone in tune with your wellness, you know inner resistance is a subtle yet powerful force that can derail your path. A silent force stopping you from growing and discovering new things about y...

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Why Is It Important to Slow Down? You’re Wasting Time

Ever feel like you’re racing against the clock but still never seem to get enough done?  What if I told you the real key to productivity lies in slowing down? I know right…sounds intriguing! Especially when everything around you screams hustle, hustl...

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How do I activate my intuition? Introducing 7 Advanced Strategies

Ever had a gut feeling that turned out to be spot on?  That's your intuition whispering to you.  Now, imagine being able to tune into that inner power more clearly. Intuition is not just a mystical concept; it’s a vital tool for navigating life’s com...

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Why Do I Want to Sleep but My Brain Won’t Stop Talking to Itself?

Have you ever been exhausted, ready to sink into your bed, but as soon as your head hits the pillow, your mind starts racing with thoughts? The insights and tips I share here are based on solid research and real-life success stories to help you creat...

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Evelyn Stavrinidis is a holistic therapist & mindbody coach who explores meaningful & impactful ventures for greatest wellbeing.