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What is the Golden Rule of Self-Discipline? The Wanted Key & Hidden Superpower

You're deep into your passion project, totally in the zone. But then, distractions start creeping in—social media pings, the allure of binge-watching your favourite series, or just the comfort of putting things off.  For many of us, especially those ...

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What are Your Goals in Life & How Do You Plan to Achieve Them?

Why has launching into online business become the goal for a lot of millennials and how is it a clever plan? The numbers speak for themselves. There's never been a better time to harness the power of the digital world, turn your passion into a profit...

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What To Do If You Don’t Have Goals; An Unexpected Path

I’ve learned how to create a business that markets itself.  It all started with a simple desire to make some extra money. I never imagined it would lead me down a path of fulfilment. In a world where the traditional systems are failing many, cultivat...

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How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life?

You know that feeling in your chest when everything demands your attention and energy?  It’s like your ribcage is stuck, with no room to expand, and your breath doesn’t quite quench the thirst your body craves. This guide offers practical steps to re...

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Evelyn Stavrinidis is a holistic therapist & mindbody coach who explores meaningful & impactful ventures for greatest wellbeing.