
Resilience is the New Buzzword: What Skill Will Help You Be More Resilient?

Fear has a sneaky way of convincing you of two big lies. One is that the worst-case scenario is going to happen. The second is that you won’t be able to handle it when it does. 

This kind of thinking, known as catastrophising, tricks your mind into expecting disaster around every corner, leaving you feeling anxious and powerless. 

Studies in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) reveal that when you catastrophise, you not only blow problems out of proportion but also underestimate your ability to deal with them. 

It’s like your brain is wired to see the storm and forget that you’ve weathered plenty before.

That's why resilience is such an essential tool. It helps you push back against these fear-driven thoughts and reminds you of your true strength. 

Instead of getting stuck in that loop of worry, resilience encourages you to face what’s happening with confidence. 

You can adapt and grow, no matter what comes your way. 

Photo by on Rabah Al Shammary on Unsplash

In this blog post, explore why resilience is more crucial now than ever before, especially as more people are beginning to question the old belief that effort equals success. 

Cultivate a mindset that will carry you through life’s toughest challenges and help you find meaning and growth in the process.

Shift your mindset from I can’t handle this, to I’ve got this.

Everyone’s talking about it, but what does it mean to be resilient?

Beyond the hype, resilience means responding like a seasoned strategist and evolving in the face of challenges. 

It’s like having the ability to shapeshift. Not in the flashy, superhero sense. But in the subtle, almost mystical way of the ancients. 

Those with true resilience can transform their approach, mindset, and strategies depending on what the situation demands. 

You're not bouncing back to the same shape. You're shifting into something stronger, wiser, and more adept, every time life throws a new obstacle your way. In this way, resilience is an evolution.

Here’s a truth: there’s a growing movement of people across the globe who are waking up to the reality that diligent effort alone doesn’t always lead to an improved life. 

The traditional “work harder” mantra just doesn’t cut it anymore. 

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

A New Measure Of Success

The last few years have tested us in ways we never imagined. Mental health issues are on the rise, financial pressures are mounting, and social dynamics are shifting. 

It’s no wonder that so many are beginning to question the traditional notion that simply working hard will yield the results you desire. 

The truth is we live in a time when resilience is becoming the new measure of success.

In this volatile landscape, it has emerged as a critical skill.

Clinic Notes & Fatigue

Many of the clients I see in the clinic are grappling with an underlying fatigue that seems almost paradoxical.

Their bodies are strong, with robust muscles and flexible fascia that move with ease. Their eating and exercise habits are healthy, nourishing their physical selves in all the right ways. 

And yet, despite these indicators of physical health, they're deeply tired. 

Their spirit and mind are in overdrive, stretched thin by the demands of modern life. 

The weariness they feel stems from the relentless pace of mental and emotional exertion, a kind of fatigue that no amount of physical rest or nutrition alone can resolve.

The Antidote To Exhaustion Isn’t Rest

When you face difficulties, your emotional reserves get depleted, leaving you feeling drained. Resilience replenishes those reserves, much like how a good meal restores your energy after a long day. 

It’s the nourishment that keeps your inner world vibrant. It allows you to recover from setbacks, stay grounded, and maintain a sense of hope.

David Whyte, a renowned poet and philosopher, once said "The antidote to exhaustion isn’t rest. It’s wholeheartedness." 

This idea taps into a deeper truth about resilience. True resilience is about engaging fully with life, even when it’s tough. It’s about finding a way to stand in something meaningful.

So, what's the most crucial skill that will help you become more resilient?

Emotional regulation.

The ability to manage your emotions effectively. Especially during stressful or challenging situations.

How do you you practice? 

Over time, expose yourself to challenging situations in a controlled way. Practice managing your emotions. Set small, achievable goals that push you out of your comfort zone. 

Each time you successfully regulate your emotions, you build resilience and reinforce the skill.

The Power of Presence, Connection and Release

I practice martial arts to train my brain to stay calm and focused, even in stressful situations. This presence of mind allows you to assess situations more clearly and respond with flexibility rather than knee-jerk reactions.

On the mat, every movement is a testament to the art of harmony and precision. In the sacred space of the dojo, presence is a skill and the very essence of practice. 

As you engage with your partner, you must attune to their every shift and nuance of energy. You've got to embody the here and now with absolute clarity and focus. 

The Mindset

By anchoring yourself in the present, you navigate challenges with a clear mind, unburdened by the past or the future.

The art of connecting with your partner's energy allows you to blend with their movement, rather than clash against them. 

And then there’s the art of release. When you release your grip to harmonise with your partner’s force you let go of any rigid expectations and open to the flow of uncertainty. 

Practicing resilience in this way teaches you to build day by day, through your choices, mindset, and actions. 

What Matters More Than Ever?

The growing disillusionment with the idea that hard work guarantees success has led many to seek a different approach to life. 

Our unpredictable world demands more than just traditional problem-solving skills. It requires you to adapt, evolve, and find strength in the face of uncertainty. 

Resilience is a personal asset. It’s also becoming a professional requirement. 

Employers are now looking for candidates who can navigate complexity with grace. Who can remain calm under pressure. And, who can turn setbacks into opportunities.

Resilience isn’t something you’re born with. It’s a skill, a mindset, and a way of approaching life that you can cultivate. Which means you can practice, learn and become it.

Of course there are also other key traits that help build it, like patience, optimism, a sense of humour, and an ability to tolerate negative emotions.

All you need to know now is equip yourself with the tools no matter what life throws your way. And, know that you're capable of navigating whatever comes your way.

Check out your local martial arts dojo, or craniosacral therapist or jump online with me. 

I offer one-on-one coaching that incorporates movement, breath, and meditation to support your goals. 
To book a complimentary 15-minute session: