
Is It Better To Have A Plan or Live In The Moment? Your Capacity For Resilience

Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in sticking to the plan that we forget an important truth: the outcome is born from the plan. But it doesn’t have to look exactly like it. 

The real message here is that while a plan is essential for getting where you want to go, fixating too much on every detail can keep you from getting there.

Harmonising these aspects is a significant concern for a lot of us millennials.

This post offers a fresh angle, encouraging you to think about the mental impact of your choices and how you can optimise your cognitive resources for a balanced, resilient and satiating life.

A classic Australian coast line landscape with a daring person crossing cliffs along a rope, questioning is it better to have a plan or live in the moment
Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

To plan Or Not To Plan

Whether it is better to have a plan or live in the moment depends on the context; a balanced approach that combines structured planning with the flexibility to adapt to present circumstances often yields the most effective results. 

Planning provides direction and reduces uncertainty. Living in the moment enhances spontaneity and mindfulness. This allows for a fuller experience of life.

Unexpected Marvels

During a lively interview last week, I realised we’d strayed far from the carefully laid out topics I had planned. As the conversation flowed naturally between the two of us, I noted that while we’ve barely touched on the original agenda, the depth and richness of our discussion wouldn't have been possible without that plan in place. 

The structure provided a foundation, allowing the dialogue to unfold organically, proving that while plans guide the journey, the true magic often happens when you let the conversation take its course.

Another way to put it is if you try to follow the plan to the letter you don't leave any room for the unexpected marvel that emerges when you allow yourself to flow within the boundaries you've set.

Just like discipline, plans, boundaries, and parameters are necessary tools—not to restrict you, but to guide you. They create the structure that allows you to truly understand and experience the unique opportunities the present moment gifts you.

We live in a world where every decision shapes our mental landscape. As podcaster Tami Simon once said, “The choices we make are the hinges of our destiny.” 

Optimising your mental resources paves the way for a life that's balanced. And, dynamically fulfilling.

A hammock tied between trees in Princes Park, Melbourne Australia. A bike leaning against one of the trees and a good human lounging in the hammock optimising their mental resources.
Photo by me :)

Your Capacity For Resilience

Whether trivial or monumental the choices you make daily are the very threads that weave the web of your mental and emotional well-being. Each decision acts as a signal, steering your cognitive resources toward either clarity or chaos. 

By consciously choosing actions that nourish your mental health, you’re actively shaping the contours of your existence. 

This proactive approach to decision-making allows you to build resilience. What a critical component in navigating life’s inevitable ups and downs with grace and strength.

You Are The Storm

When you optimise your cognitive resources, you’re, in essence, fine-tuning your internal compass. 

Sam Harris a thought leader in the field of neuroscience underscores this by stating, "You are not controlling the storm, and you are not lost in it. You are the storm." 

This perspective shifts the focus from being at the mercy of external circumstances to recognising your inherent power in shaping your mental and emotional states. 

Don't you want to craft a life that’s resilient to external pressures and also deeply satiating? 

A life imagined where each moment is infused with purpose and meaning. 

Align your choices with your deepest values and needs.

Fortitude is the natural extension of this effort. When you cultivate mental resilience, you’re preparing yourself to endure hardships and enhancing your capacity to thrive in the face of them.

You can read more about how to build resilience in my post here How Do I Strengthen My Mental Fortitude.

The consequences of fortitude

This way of transforming challenges into opportunities for growth refines your character in ways that make you more adaptable and empathetic. 

As poet and philosopher David Whyte reflects, "Courage is the measure of our heartfelt participation with life, with another, with a community, a work, a future." 

The Paradox Of Overflowing Possibilities

Our world is overflowing with possibilities and yet it’s paradoxical how many of us feel disempowered. We're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of choices and the pressure to succeed. 

The abundance of opportunities, rather than inspiring action, can often paralyse you, leaving you adrift in a sea of potential with no clear direction. 

In these moments of disorientation, the true call to empowerment emerges. 

You must rise to the occasion. Don't retreat into indecision. Boldly claim your place in this vast landscape.

As Brené Brown reminds us, "You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness." 

To stand up and claim your spot is to acknowledge the immense power within you to shape your life. Step into the fullness of what this time offers and carve out your unique path with confidence and purpose.

So, is it better to have a plan or live in the moment?

Rather than debating whether one approach is superior to another, you’ve got to begin to see life for what it is. Complex, multifaceted and layered. 

Each string offers a unique contribution to your exploration, and it's in the knitting of these diverse strands that your experience becomes enriched.

By welcoming the complexity rather than simplifying it into binaries, you open yourself to the full spectrum of possibilities, allowing you to live more fully and authentically. 

The power lies in understanding how to integrate and navigate these layers, crafting a life that is as nuanced and dynamic as the world you inhabit.

If you’re looking for guidance, to sharpen your focus, elevate your mood, or shift sleep patterns, I offer one-on-one coaching that incorporates movement, breath, and meditation to support your goals. 
To book a complimentary 15-minute session: