
Insights from a Series of Treatments: Exploring Craniosacral Acupuncture

Life often unfolds in ways that defy your expectations, and the dreams you once held may not always materialise as you envisioned. 

Yet, this doesn’t mean life has been devoid of magic. The unexpected paths we take can be filled with heartfelt moments of connection, and discovery. 

I experienced this firsthand through my collaboration with a talented acupuncturist who has become one of my closest friends and allies in life. 

It was our common respect and interest in each other's perspective modalities that was the real turning point of the outcomes we witnessed. 

Our partnership was about the deeper, shared commitment to collective healing. Each session became a sacred space where three souls—myself, the acupuncturist, and our client—came together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. 

The power of collective healing revealed itself as a catalyst for sincere, sustainable transformation, reinforcing the idea that even when life doesn't go as planned, it can still be filled with unexpected enchantment.

The Unplanned Path

When I moved to Sydney last year I had a clear vision of where I wanted to go and how I would get there. But life, as it often does, had other plans. 

It was during one of the most challenging periods in my practice when nothing seemed to be aligned with my expectations...that's when I met the friend who would change everything. 

Our paths crossed kind of unexpectedly. It was one of those moments where you meet someone and something inside of you becomes whole. 

You know what I mean? 

What began as a simple professional connection quickly blossomed into a deep friendship and a powerful healing partnership. We started working together, combining our expertise in ways that neither of us had imagined. 

Each session with our clients became an exploration of the unknown, where our shared intentions and respect for each other’s methods created a space of wholehearted transformation. It was in these moments when life had steered me away from my original path, that I discovered true magic.

The enchantment was not in the fulfilment of my plans but in the unexpected connections and the healing journeys, we embarked on together, which turned out to be far more meaningful than anything I could have planned.

Collective Healing

The concept of collective healing, where multiple practitioners collaborate with a client, has roots in various healing traditions and is supported by modern research. 

Studies have shown that group-based healing approaches, such as multi-disciplinary healthcare teams or community-based interventions, can lead to better outcomes than isolated treatments. 

In our sessions- the synergy between myself, the acupuncturist, and our client created a dynamic healing environment. 

The blending of different perspectives, and expertise, allowed us to address the client's needs holistically, engaging not just the body but also the mind and spirit. 

This collaborative approach often led to breakthroughs, that might not have been possible through a singular modality. 

The sacredness of our sessions stemmed from the deep mutual respect and shared commitment to the client's well-being, which in turn created a space where true transformation could occur. 

This experience underscores that, even when life deviates from your plans, the enchantment lies in the connections you forge and the unexpected paths that lead to real panacea.

The Case Series

This case series explores the outcomes of combining craniosacral therapy (CST) with acupuncture and Chinese medicine principles to address physiological and energetic imbalances. 

Our primary aim was to determine if this integrative approach could provide a more comprehensive treatment, leading to a greater and faster effect on the central nervous system (CNS). 

Here’s what we found:


Participants: A total of 25 patients participated in this series, each undergoing 3-7 sessions of combined CST and acupuncture treatments.

The participants presented with various symptoms, including chronic pain, anxiety, stress-related disorders, and somatoemotional discomfort.

Treatment Approach: The treatment combined the gentle, rhythm-focused touch of CST with meridian and acupuncture knowledge. 

Practitioners applied light, and intentional touch while incorporating acupuncture points to stimulate the flow of Qi and blood, aiming to enhance the overall therapeutic effect.

Evaluation Metrics: The severity of symptoms was measured using a metric system before and after each session, as well as throughout multiple treatments. 

The parameters we assessed included:

  • Membraneous tension and compliance
  • Autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulation
  • The flow of blood and Qi
  • Somatoemotional relief

Case Series Highlights

  • Sessions: 1 to 5 each
  • Symptoms: Chronic neck pain and anxiety
  • Results: Significant pain relief and reduced anxiety. Tension in body tissues eased noticeably, and patients felt more relaxed and balanced. Emotional relief was reported during and after the sessions.

  • Sessions: 5 to 8 
  • Symptoms: Lower back pain and stress
  • Results: Marked improvement in back pain and stress reduction. Patients experienced better circulation and energy flow, with notable emotional release, feeling more resilient to stress.

  • Sessions: 3 to 8
  • Symptoms: Migraines and insomnia
  • Results: Fewer and less severe migraines. Improved sleep. The gentle touch and acupuncture helped release tension and enhanced nervous system regulation, leading to overall well-being.

  • Sessions: 4 to 6
  • Symptoms: TMJ dysfunction and emotional distress
  • Results: Less TMJ pain and emotional distress. Improved tissue relaxation and energy flow. Patients reported significant emotional relief and felt more at ease generally.

  • Sessions: 6
  • Symptoms: Severe lumbar puncture complications and dysfunction
  • Results: Decreased pain and improved function. Enhanced relaxation and energy flow, with the patient having the ability to return to regular life activities and work.

An Outlier

Depression: We had one patient with depression who did not respond as well as we had hoped. 


Combining CST with acupuncture showed promising results:

  • Tissue Tension: The gentle touch helped unwind restrictions in body tissues, making them more flexible and less tense.
  • Nervous System regulation: Patients felt less stressed and more resilient to life’s obstacles.
  • Energy Flow: Circulation of blood and energy enhances the feeling of vitality combined with less pain being felt.
  • Emotional Relief: Many patients felt emotional burdens lifted. Both during and after the treatments.

Our experience with craniosacral acupuncture suggests it can be a powerful tool for addressing both physical and energetic imbalances, leading to quicker and more effective relief.

While it worked well for most of our patients, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, as seen in the case of depression.