
How Do I Strengthen My Mental Fortitude? The New Emerging

Do you marvel at how some people seem to handle life’s curveballs with a blend of grace and grit? It’s not sorcery. It’s the result of honing fortitude and resilience. 

In this post, you’ll dive into building these traits, and get a sneak peek into the wisdom of thought leaders to shift your perspective and transform challenges into opportunities. 

Listen up so you can tap into your natural strengths and reframe hardships as a springboard for growth.

An Afternoon of Reflection

I sat eating pizza and drinking sparkling water in the sun the other day. And I pushed play on one of my go-to podcasts that never fails to deliver, "Insights At The Edge".

A widely recognised thought leader, Otto Scharmer, answers Tami’s first question. Only 10 minutes in, and I’m already captivated.

For those unfamiliar with him, Scharmer's work encourages leaders to connect with their highest potential by accessing the deeper dimensions of leadership and decision-making.

The Illusion of Insignificance

Difficult times are a reality, but how are you framing the bigger picture? 

Otto points out this illusion of insignificance, that our society seems to be stuck in right now.

He speaks about two narratives at play: one about things ending, dying, and the mental health crisis. The other is a new presence; a new way of connecting that’s starting to form the foundation for a whole new network of relationships and initiatives. In communities all around us.

The Untold Story of Our Time

The most significant story of our time is the one that’s barely being told. 
While the first story of destruction gets amplified by social media every day. 

The second story...the one about something new being born...about emergence, doesn’t get the same magnification.

The 2nd Narrative

Emergence is the quiet revolution taking place within and around you. The subtle yet powerful force driving innovation and renewal. New ideas, connections, and ways of being coming into existence, are often unnoticed amidst the noise of daily life. 

While it's natural to get caught up in the fears, crises, and constant stream of bad news, there's a fresh wave of innovation and growth quietly building momentum. 

This emergence is like a new dawn, gradually lighting up the path ahead and offering something hopeful and exciting if you just take a moment to notice it.

This isn’t just a poetic idea. Studies show that your brain is wired for a negativity bias. Meaning you're more likely to notice and remember negative experiences over positive ones. 

This tendency once helped you survive by keeping you alert to danger. Now it often gets you stuck in worry and stress making it hard to see the good stuff waiting just below the surface. 

So, flip the script.

Photo by Drew Farwell on Unsplash

The Extraordinary is Awakening Within You

We are all born with innate courage and resilience. This ability to endure difficult situations, without giving up, lies dormant and, is waiting to be awakened in moments of challenge.

You have an opportunity here. I’m not saying that there’s no work to be done. Like all valuable characteristics, nurturing them is necessary. 

And, by developing them, you empower yourself to face obstacles with confidence and transform challenges into opportunities for growth.

Breaking Free from the Illusion

Rather than soaking in the destructive illusion that you have no agency—millennials especially—break free from this disempowering mindset. You have agency!

Practices like breathwork, meditation, and self-reflection help tap into this reservoir. Just as a deep breath can shift your nervousness and centre your thoughts, so too can your inherent fortitude rise to meet the demands of any situation.

It’s a matter of reconnecting with your core, trusting in your abilities, and allowing your natural bravery and resilience to surface.

Are Fortitude and Resilience the Same Thing?

Not quite. Fortitude and resilience are closely related but serve different roles in how you navigate life's challenges.

Fortitude is the strength that empowers you to face difficult situations head-on. It's the inner resolve that keeps you grounded when things get tough. The solid foundation that allows you to stand firm in the face of difficulty.

As Francis Bacon eloquently puts it, "Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armour of the will, and the fort of reason."

He’s reminding us that courage is more than just acting bravely. It’s about clear thinking, willpower, and good judgment. Fortitude is what keeps you steady, helping you make the right choices even when the pressure’s on.

A Bounce-Back Ability

Resilience is about what happens after the storm has passed. It's that bounce-back quality. The one that allows you to pick yourself up, learn from the experience, and keep going.

Fortitude helps you stand tall during the storm. Resilience helps you rebuild and grow once the clouds have cleared.

Photo by Logan Weaver on Unsplash

Leaning into Discomfort

As a wellness-oriented millennial, you’ve experienced firsthand how mental fortitude is cultivated. During practice, you've leaned into discomfort and strengthened your inner resolve.

It's tempting to shy away from challenging situations. But it's in those moments of discomfort that true strength is forged. 

Whether it’s getting through a tough workout, tackling a difficult project, or having an uncomfortable conversation, each time you face discomfort head-on, you’re training your mind to stay resilient under pressure. 

Think of it like strength training for your brain. The more you practice, the stronger your mental muscles become. And over time, you’ll notice that what once felt overwhelming now feels like another step on your ever-evolving path.

This consistent practice of facing and accepting challenges, rather than avoiding them builds fortitude and also lays the groundwork for resilience.

Something Unbreakable

My clients and students teach me the art of resilience every day. I witness them stepping into the unknown with a quiet bravery that leaves me in awe. Even when things are tough they’re on the mat or in my clinic facing the monsters that come out of the dark.

When life casts its shadows, they don't retreat. They confront the monsters lurking, transforming fear into strength, and doubt into determination. It's in these moments- when the world seems heaviest- they reveal to me the authority of showing up. 

This dance with the unseen is an act of courage and maybe even a leap of faith. They embrace the discomfort, knowing that the growth path is rarely paved with ease. 

In the quiet spaces, between breaths and a held pose, they discover their strength. It’s in these sacred encounters, where stillness meets spirit and silence gives way to revelation, I feel them and myself forging a connection to something deeper, something unbreakable. 

Their commitment to showing up, no matter the storm, is a testament to the transformative power of facing what lies within.

Practice fortitude and the challenges you once faced will become stepping stones to something greater.

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