
What Can I Do to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally? Grateful. Easy. Surrender

Ever feel like life’s stressors are tipping your balance? 

You’re not alone. 

As someone savvy about wellness, you know cortisol is crucial for your body's response to stress, but when it’s overproduced, it can lead to havoc. 

In this blog post, I’ll share advanced, natural methods to keep your cortisol levels at a healthy dose, making sure you maintain a balance between vitality and tranquillity.

How to lower cortisol levels naturally

To lower cortisol levels naturally, engage in regular practices such as Yin Yoga, Qi Gong, and Taoist breath work, which help reduce stress and activate the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Knowing how cortisol works is the first step to mastering your stress. 

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

But first, here's a fun fact and a handy tip: rolling out your calves can help with managing cortisol levels! 

Your calves are sometimes called the “second heart” because they play a big role in pumping blood back up to your heart. 

When you use a foam roller on your calves, it boosts circulation. It helps your blood flow more smoothly. And, better circulation means your body can more efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients while clearing out stress hormones like cortisol. 

So, by taking a few minutes each day to roll out your calves, you’re easing muscle tension, supporting your body’s natural ability to handle stress and keep cortisol levels in check. 

Give it a try and feel the difference!

The Sneaky Saboteur: What Cortisol Does to Your Body

Cortisol is like your body’s alarm system. When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands pump out this hormone to help you deal. 

But when you're always stressed—thanks, to the cost of living & 9-5—it can lead to weight gain, anxiety, sleep problems, and high blood pressure. 

The Most Effective Techniques to Tame Cortisol

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga isn't just another workout—it's a practice that invites you to explore your body and mind profoundly. 

If you've ever felt disconnected from how your body responds to stress. Or, struggled to align your choices with your well-being, Yin Yoga offers a powerful opportunity to bridge that gap. 

By holding poses for longer periods, you'll tune into the subtle signals of your muscles and joints, gaining insight into how stress affects your physical state.

Beyond its physical benefits, Yin Yoga serves as a vital tool for lowering cortisol levels in a fast-paced world. As you settle into each pose with deliberate breaths, you activate your body's relaxation response. 

This shift from tension to calm activates the rest and digest response, easing cortisol production and helping you manage stress more effectively over time. 

If you let it, Yin Yoga can serve as a mental sanctuary, where you get to empower yourself to navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and mindfulness.

Qi Gong

I’ve witnessed Qi Gong become a life-changing practice for many of my clients, students and friends. 

It isn't just about movement—it's a pathway to clarity and inner peacefulness. Through its gentle, flowing motions and focused breathing techniques, Qi Gong helps to calm your mind and activate your body's relaxation response. 

This process lowers cortisol levels, reducing the impact of stress on your body. It also strengthens a deeper connection to your higher consciousness. 

By practising regularly, you engage in a meditative movement that aligns your physical and mental energies, amplifying clarity of thought and emotional balance.

The synergy of movement and mindfulness in Qi Gong creates a clever shift in awareness, allowing you to tap into your inner physician. 

As stress melts away and cortisol levels decrease, you experience a heightened sense of presence and connection to your surroundings. 

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

A Quick Guide

Qi Gong and Yin Yoga aren’t just about stretching and breathing. They actually work deep within your body to calm you from the inside out.

Here’s how they do it:

  • Activating the Calm Button: Both practices flip on your body’s relaxation switch, known as the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps you calm down and feel less stressed.

  • Making Your Heart Happy: Both help improve something called heart rate variability; your heart’s flexibility. This makes it easier for your body to handle stress without freaking out.

  • Getting Zen: Qi Gong and Yin Yoga boost mindfulness, which is all about staying in the moment and not getting caught up in stress. This helps you manage your emotions better and feel more relaxed.

  • Putting Out Fires: They reduce inflammation in your body, which is linked to stress. By calming inflammation, these practices keep your body healthier and less tense.

  • Balancing Your Stress System: They help balance the HPA axis, which is like your body’s stress control centre. When this system is balanced, your body doesn’t pump out as much cortisol, which means you stay calmer overall.
So, by doing Qi Gong and Yin Yoga regularly, you’re not just stretching and breathing—you’re giving yourself powerful tools to stay physically and mentally healthy, even when life gets stressful.

Photo by Balu Gaspar on Unsplash

Breathing Your Way To Balance

Taoist breath work offers a powerful method for nurturing both physical and spiritual well-being. While focusing on decalcifying the pineal gland. 

Your pineal gland is like a secret weapon in your brain—it helps you sleep and handles a hormone called melatonin. But it’s more than just that. 

When melatonin is high, cortisol should be low. When either of these gets out of balance, our ability to sleep is affected.

It can become calcified due to factors like diet and environmental toxins. Breathing techniques and mindfulness practices aim to enhance blood flow and detoxify the pineal gland, restoring its optimal function.

Taoists believe a healthy pineal gland connects to something deeper called Shen. 

Shen is the spiritual essence within you that reflects your true nature and potential for spiritual enlightenment.

Transcending Everyday Stressors 

Stress is a part of life, but high cortisol levels don’t have to be. 

By embedding detoxing techniques such as these natural practices you can lower your cortisol and find calm. 

It's not just about breathing—it's about transcending everyday stressors.

These methods improve your physical health and also nurture your Shen, helping you connect with your higher consciousness.

Ready to take control of your stress and lower your cortisol levels naturally? 

Start incorporating these practices into your daily routine. 

You can join me every Thursday and Sunday evening online or in person at my favourite yoga studio to teach at in Melbourne.

Here's to less stress amid life's plentiful and beautiful distractions!