
How Does Perception Shape Reality: The Bending of Time

You might think of time as a passive background ticking away, but what if you could actively shape it? 

Time, as we know it, is an enigmatic concept. 
Philosophers, scientists, and thinkers have debated its existence for centuries. 

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, yet some people seem to achieve so much more. What’s their secret?

By mastering your perception of time - you can forge new paths to accessing your vitality.

Let’s dive into how you can harness this concept to unlock the possibilities.

Stay with me as I reveal insights that can help you master the art of taking action, regardless of how fast or slow time seems to move.

Shaping Your Reality

Time isn’t just ticking away passively; it’s something you can actively shape. 

Just as curiosity is a necessary compass for exploring new avenues in health, understanding and reshaping your perception of time can be your most powerful tool for taking effective action.

As a millennial, you’re resilient and resourceful. You’re constantly finding innovative ways to thrive despite the challenges you face. 

Perspective of a tree growing upwards in hues of blue sky and autumn yellow leaves
Photo by Robert Murray on Unsplash

Understanding Perception

Let’s unpack this a bit.

Your brain is wired to measure time by observing changes in your environment. The rising and setting of the sun. The ticking of a clock. The beating of your heart. All these cues help you understand the passage of time. 

But this perception is highly subjective. Think about how time flies when you’re having fun but drags when you’re bored. 

This discrepancy reveals that time is not a fixed entity but a fluid experience shaped by your consciousness.

Time Expressions in Different Cultures

Different cultures have varying perceptions of time. 

In the Western world, we often view time linearly, progressing from past to present to future. 

But many indigenous cultures perceive time cyclically, as a continuous loop where past, present, and future are interconnected. 

The Hopi people reflect a worldview where time is a holistic, ever-present force.

For the Aymara, the past is seen in front of them (because it's known and can be seen). While the future is behind them (because it's unknown and can't be seen). 

These cultural perspectives challenge our common assumptions about the universality of time perception. They offer valuable insights into the diversity of human thought.

An Age-Old Classic

From a scientific standpoint time is an essential component of the physical universe. It’s woven into the fabric of space-time, a concept introduced by Einstein’s theory of relativity. 

According to this, time can stretch and compress. This means that time isn’t constant; it’s relative. 

The Illusory Clock

Despite these insights, we continue to rely on clocks to organise our lives. Clocks, however, are just tools; mechanisms created to measure the passage of time. 

They offer you a symbol of reality but not reality itself. 

When you glance at your watch, you’re not seeing time; you’re observing a representation of time, a series of numbers and hands moving in a predetermined pattern.

a monochromatic ice blue and white wall holding an open mechanical wall clock
Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash

The Impact of Time

On a psychological level, your relationship with time can significantly impact your well-being. 

Especially if you often feel pressured by deadlines. 

Ah, procrastination; the arch-nemesis of productivity. We all face it. Do you know that it’s often a coping mechanism for dealing with anxiety and stress? 

Understanding this can help you develop strategies to combat it. 

Then there’s being haunted by past regrets, or anxious about future uncertainties. This stress stems from your perception of time as a finite resource that’s constantly slipping away. 

But what if by embodying the present moment, and letting go of your obsession with time you uncover a more authentic way to perceive your experience? 

Many practices emphasise living in the present moment. Because when you focus on the here and now you transform your relationship with time. 

Practical Musings

Immanuel Kant proposed that time is a necessary condition of human experience; a framework your mind imposes on the world to make sense of it.

If time is a construct, then maybe you have more control over it than you realise. You can choose to slow down. To savour moments and focus on what matters.

Next time you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list remember time isn't your enemy. It’s a resource that you can manage and shape. 

Time is Fluid

Neuroscientist David Eagleman discusses how your perception of time can be altered by various factors, including attention and memory, in his book Incognito.

This scientific insight reinforces the idea that time is a subjective experience, shaped by your mind.

And then there’s quantum mechanics. Introducing the idea that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, blurring the boundaries of time as you know it. 

This complexity suggests that time is more fluid and less linear than traditionally thought.

A hand in the ether asking ‘how does perception shape reality?’
Photo by Akira Hojo on Unsplash

Bending Time and Space

I had an experience with Craniosacral Shiatsu that forever changed my understanding of time and space.

As a practitioner of an array of therapeutic arts, I’ve always been fascinated by fascia. It’s like the internet of your body. It allows every part of you to stay connected and informed.

During one session, working with a client who had been experiencing chronic pain, I tuned into the subtle rhythms her body was allowing me to feel. I found myself entering a state of heightened awareness. 

When that happens, time seems to bend and stretch. It slows down to the point where you can almost perceive each moment individually, like watching a tree grow inch by inch. You are within the growth, feeling each subtle change as it unfolds, deeply connected to the flow of time itself.

You become acutely aware of the environment inside and outside of you. It’s as if you enter a quantum state where your intention and their body’s reaction are finely attuned. Merely acknowledging restriction in their membrane causes it to shift and change. 

This experience wasn't just a fluke. It revealed a sapient truth about Craniosacral Shiatsu. By being fully present, your fascia is influenced in ways that seem to defy conventional physics and don’t apply in the usual sense. 

As I reflect on that session, I understand that Craniosacral Shiatsu offers more than just relief from pain. It offers a glimpse into the deeper, quantum nature of our existence. 

It teaches you that by being present and fully engaged you can influence the very fabric of your being, in astute ways, creating new possibilities for healing and transformation. 

The only limits are those imposed by your perception. 

Living The Mysterious Reality

Experiencing time is deeply intertwined with your consciousness and the physical world.

While clocks and calendars help you navigate daily life, they are simply symbols of a broader, more mysterious reality.

In the end, the true essence of time is what you perceive and create within yourself.

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If you're in the Melbourne area, come say hi, at my fave studio or livestream our classes here.

Online alternatives are abundant too. Book in with me below and learn how the subtle art of presence supports the shift you’ve been looking for.

Here’s to taking time by its ticking hand and creating the reality you seek amid life’s plentiful and beautiful distractions!