
Why Curiosity Killed the Cat? A Worthy Compass

We’ve all heard the saying “Curiosity killed the cat.” It’s used to warn you against poking your nose where it doesn’t belong or to caution against the risks of exploring the unknown. 

But curiosity isn’t something to steer away from. It's a necessary compass on your trek to thriving in the current scene you find yourself in.

As a millennial, you’re resilient and resourceful. Finding innovative ways to thrive despite the challenges you face. You’re forging new paths to fulfilment and stability. 

I commend you as you venture to remain adaptable, stay informed, and support one another in this evolving beauty and chaos.

For us millennials, who are always keen on exploring new avenues in health, taking hold of curiosity can lead to revealing new and effective ways to thrive. 

In this post, you’ll learn how it can be your most useful tool for traversing the multiplicities of modern wellness and complexities of life to unlock unimagined possibilities.

Let’s dive into this worthy compass.

Care Killed The Cat

Ha! Did you know the phrase “curiosity killed the cat” was originally "care killed the cat," implying that too much worry could lead to an early demise?

Over time, it evolved to its current form, reinforcing the idea that curiosity is risky. 

This shift reflects a broader societal tendency to discourage curiosity, especially when it challenges the status quo. 

And we all know how that goes.

Why do you get so uncomfortable when you question the way things have always been? 

Maybe it’s because it shakes the very foundation you’ve built to feel safe. 

You like things to stay the same because it's predictable. When you start asking tough questions or proposing new ideas, it can make you feel insecure. 

It’s opening a can of worms. Suddenly, everything’s up for debate, and that’s scary. 

Rattling The Foundations

This is where curiosity comes in to save the day. With curiosity by your side, you have a way to move through any questions that rattle your foundation. 

It allows you to explore without feeling pressured to have all the answers immediately. 

Instead of being forced into something you don't understand, curiosity gives you the space and time to figure things out. Think about it.

PAUSE right now and consider what curiosity feels like in your body…

Is it a tingling sensation? A sharp focus? Restlessness? Wonder? A gentle, warm feeling? A sweetness? Feeling motivated? Spaciousness without the pressure of having to know anything definitively?

All great changes and improvements in history started with someone daring to ask, “What is this? What am I doing?”.

So, even if it makes you uncomfortable, challenging the status quo is how you grow and create better things. Curiosity is your compass.

Why Curiosity Matters

When you approach uncharted territories with curiosity rather than fear, you open yourself up to new insights and breakthroughs. It’s worth it, I promise! 

Instead of avoiding the unknown, welcoming it with childlike openness can lead to unimagined possibilities.

I believe there are phases in life where play is so far from your reality that you’ve forgotten how to flex the muscle of curiosity. 

You’re so tied up in being healthier, making sure you eat right, drinking enough water, exercising, making the monies, teaching the kids, taking care of the cat, and your dog, working on relationships, and whatever other 101 things you’re working on right now. 

By questioning norms and being open to new approaches, you allow yourself to adapt to changes in your body, mind, and lifestyle. 

This questioning is crucial for finding what truly works for you. 

What worked in the past might not be effective now, and what didn’t work before might be exactly what you need at this moment. 

In terms of wellness, it’s not static; it’s an evolving path that requires continuous exploration and adaptation.

A Gentle Ear

Something to keep a gentle ear out for. The possible underlying fear of failure. And that style of know the one. What if trying something new doesn’t work out?

What about the fear of the unknown? Stepping into unfamiliar territory can be daunting. 

And then there’s the fear of judgment. What will others think if you stray from the conventional path?

These fears can hold you back from exploring a new way. A different way. Possibly, a better way of discovering what truly works for you. 

It’s important to remember that growth often happens outside of your comfort zone.

Like a Rainbow's Novelty

When you nuzzle up with curiosity, it's like opening a secret door to a world of enchantment right within the ordinary. 

I can't even tell you the amount of times I’ve stumbled on a new perspective I hadn’t been able to see. Purely out of curiosity. 

Today, as I allow myself to wander among my thoughts, I'm invigorated by the freshness of uncharted ideas. 

One memory catches my attention. An old belief that I’ve always clung to, which suddenly seems so limiting. 

I strike up a dialogue with my Self and end up sampling blends of ideas that transport me to distant lands with every sip I hear. 

This simple act of curiosity transforms a mundane morning into a magical trek, blending the extraordinary with the everyday. 

It reminds me that by adopting curiosity, you invite a touch of magic into your life, revealing hidden wonders and unexpected jubilations in the most routine moments.

Even when things become difficult in life, there’s never a lack of enchantment that you can’t find simply by implementing curiosity into the situation.

Rainbow awe-like experiences are always available if you’re willing to seek them out. Wonder is not limited or scarce. It’s abundant and waiting to be discovered.

Curiosity is the Compass

It’s time to reframe the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" to "curiosity is the compass". 

As you encourage the exploration of uncharted territories and the questioning of norms - adopting the unknown - you open lattices to unimagined possibilities.

If you allow it, curiosity will empower you to take control of your odyssey. It will guide you to discover new paths, question old habits, and continuously evolve towards a healthier, more balanced life.

Remember, being curious is not about finding immediate answers. It’s about enjoying the exploration. 

Go ahead. Be curious. 

Here's to your day being guided, by the endless possibilities that curiosity brings amid life's plentiful and beautiful distractions!

Learn to be curious through the subtle therapeutic arts of craniosacral therapy, yin yoga and qi gong breathwork. 

If you're in the Melbourne area, come say hi, at my fave studio Estuary Yoga.

Online alternatives are abundant too. You can live stream our classes at the above link or book in with me below.