
What Does Resetting your Nervous System Do? Understanding your Lifeblood

Wouldn't you rather be more intentional, be able to do more, appreciate more, and accomplish even more while being clear-headed, highly focused, relaxed, at peace and well-rested?

Resetting your nervous system is like hitting a refresh button for your soul.

It’s not just another wellness trend. It’s the whole deal when it comes to regulating. Once you experience the benefits, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

In this post, I’ll share comprehensive insights (all things nervous system-related), helping you better understand the impactful and intricate elements of this resilient system that breathes life into everything it touches.

What does resetting your nervous system do?: A dictionary definition

Resetting your nervous system involves engaging in practices that help recalibrate and balance its functions. This leads to reduced stress and improved emotional regulation. This process promotes well-being by enhancing the body's ability to manage stress responses and maintain homeostasis.

To grasp the essential importance of the nervous system I'd like you to consider this: what would happen without it?

Photo by Javid Naderi on Unsplash 

Without the nervous system, your body would stop functioning properly. Because it couldn't send messages between the brain and other parts of your body. 

This system controls everything you do, like moving, breathing, and your heartbeat. 

Without it, your muscles wouldn't work, you wouldn't be able to feel anything, and basic things like digesting food would become impossible. 

Reflexes- like pulling your hand away from something hot- wouldn't happen, leaving you at constant risk of getting hurt.

Without it, you wouldn't be able to think, feel emotions, or have awareness of your surroundings. 

Your brain is the control centre and relies on your nervous system to process information, remember things, make decisions, and manage how you feel. 

What I’m saying is, that without this, you wouldn't be able to see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. 

It’d be like living in a blank, unresponsive world where you couldn't interact with anything or anyone. 

Life without the nervous system would strip away everything that makes you who you are.

Now, I can't write about the nervous system without talking about Craniosacral therapy.

Craniosacral Therapy: Mystical or the Real Deal

The Craniosacral rhythm is incredibly sensitive. With the right training it can respond to your mental intentions, and adding touch makes it even more potent. 

Doctors might scoff at this idea, given their rigorous training, which doesn't focus on the subtleties of fascia. It would probably seem too mystical to them, but that's okay—it's not what they were trained for.

Once experienced, tuning into the craniosacral rhythm becomes effortless, but maintaining awareness of it requires regular practice. 

You need to engage in practices that harness and balance your energy. This helps you stay present for extended periods.

To genuinely feel its tidal pulse, you’ve got to fine-tune your awareness and condition your tendency to act.

Photo by Europeana on Unsplash

Holistic Self Cultivation

Taoists have long pursued various techniques to achieve this balance. Imagine unlocking the secrets to harmonising your mind, body, and spirit—the core belief of Taoist holistic self-cultivation. 

Now, picture yourself diving deep into a practice that elevates your well-being and sharpens your ability to intuitively understand and regulate your body's signals. 

This is interoception—the gateway to mastering your internal harmony and living in sync with the natural rhythms of life. 

By tuning into your body's internal signals and aligning with its natural rhythms, you adapt seamlessly to both internal and external environments. 

I view this heightened awareness and responsiveness like a sophisticated form of camouflage, allowing you to blend with and navigate the complexities of life more effectively.

Hang on what? What do camouflage, interoception and holistic self-cultivation have in common? 

The simple answer is - they're strategies for thriving.

The Odyssey of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

And what are the nervous system and cranio without CSF? A.k.a cerebrospinal fluid.

The CSF is out of this world inspiring. A primordial lifeblood that mirrors the ancient oceans and carries within it the essence of our evolutionary odyssey. 

When you work with this deeply rich substance, you're tapping into a fundamental force that has sustained life from the very beginning of time. Read that sentence again. 

Now PAUSE and take a moment to consider what this means. 

CSF holds an ancestral connection to the ocean, a link that traces back to the origins of life itself. The human body is a microcosm of the primordial seas from which life emerged.

I mean WOW!

The constant flow of CSF within your nervous system maintains homeostasis, nourishes neural tissues and removes metabolic waste, echoing the nurturing and cleansing properties of the ocean.

It’s an incredible connection to your biological heritage, and you are at the forefront of exploring and harnessing its life-changing potential.

Fascinating Side Note

Here's a mind-blowing thought: the connection between your body and water goes even deeper. 

Just as CSF continuously circulates within your central nervous system, water on Earth follows a never-ending cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

This means that the water we drink today is the same water that existed millions of years ago, linking all living beings through a shared aquatic history.

Isn't that amazing?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Unlocking the Magic of Vagus

The vagus nerve, known as the "wandering nerve," is like the body’s ultimate multitasker, playing a huge role in keeping us balanced and healthy. 

Starting in your brainstem and travelling throughout the body to the heart, lungs, and gut, it’s one of the big players in your ability to cultivate the rest and digest response.

In cranio, the vagus nerve gets some special attention because stimulating it can kickstart the body’s natural healing. Think stress management, reduced inflammation, and improved emotional well-being. 

By tapping into the power of the vagus, Cranio helps you find that sweet spot of relaxation and balance, making you feel more connected and in tune with your body.

Imagine a life where stress doesn’t control you!

Resetting your nervous system isn’t just a wellness trend—it’s a transformative practice that engages with every moment of your life. 

Remember, it’s about allowing and going gently. You can’t push your way there. That’s not how it works. 

If you'd like some guidance, I'm here for that. You can catch me by booking a call or a session.

Before I finish up here I’ll leave you with today’s Supplement Spotlight: 

The Magic of Magnesium

When it comes to calming your nervous system, magnesium is a powerhouse. It helps regulate neurotransmitters, which send signals throughout the nervous system. 

By ensuring you get enough—whether through diet or supplements—you support your system and help it stay balanced and calm.

If you're looking for a great brand offering only the best type of's one I endorse.

Here’s to a closer relationship with your nervous system amid life’s plentiful and beautiful distractions!