
How do you plan to achieve your ambitions and goals in life?

You know that feeling in your chest when everything demands your attention and energy? 

It’s like your ribcage is stuck, with no room to expand, and your breath doesn’t quite quench the thirst your body craves.

This guide offers practical steps to reclaim your time and energy. Learn to take breaks, welcome the ‘i’m not quite there yet’, stay connected, cultivate gratitude, live in the present, and maybe even redefine success. 

By implementing some or all of these steps, you'll find balance and create some meaningful habits, free from the suffocating grip of the urgency trap.

Why It Matters

Contraction would have you believe the thing you’re doing has urgency and if you don’t find a way to do it now…well…you can fill in the blanks. 

But here's the truth: sometimes what you really need is space from "the thing" that's overwhelming you. Don’t keep beating at the stuck-ness.

Develop a Strategic Plan

To achieve your ambitions and goals in life, develop a strategic plan with clear, measurable objectives, continuously improve your skills, and take consistent, focused action.

Aerial view of a spiral staircase resembling a snail's shell, with natural colours and a geometric pattern. Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash.
Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

Separate From The Urgency Trap

You know that feeling like you’re standing at the edge of a forest, and know there's a path somewhere that leads to a clearing, but no matter how hard you try, every step seems to lead to another thicket. 

The goal’s clear in your mind…you’ve got a picture of where you want to be, and still each attempt to reach it is met with unknowns and detours. 

The more you search for the right way, the more lost you feel, as if the forest shifts and changes just to keep you wandering. 

So, how do you separate from the urgency and still continue to work?

Start Small, Be Consistent

Schedule mini-breaks throughout your day. 

Breaks are lifelines. Think of a time when you took a short break and returned feeling refreshed. 

Breaks are not just for rest. Short, refreshing pauses reset your mind and body. 

Stretch, breathe, walk. 

What small, intentional actions can you take to step back from the urgency trap and cultivate a sense of spaciousness and ease right now?

The same goes for achieving any goal. It’s not something new you need to learn. You know this. You’ve done this before. 

I’m sure you’ve heard it 1000 times and you’ll hear it again. 

The reason is, you so quickly forget what works when you feel good and are in flow but you often can’t see what’s needed when you’re stuck in it. 

And with digital distraction brain it’s hard to remember who you are and what makes you happy.

Here are 5 quick, simple practices to get you started, that have worked for my clients:

1. A 1 minute meditation at wake up

2. Pause, breath in, consider, breathe out

3. Auto suggestive phrases (aka affirmations) pasted somewhere you can see them everyday. 
Note: Keep it simple

4. 1 hour digital detox before bed

5. Mindfulness eating and/or showering

Photo by Sze On Unsplash

Use Mindfulness As A Muse

Living in the present calms the mind and reduces anxiety. 

Feelings of urgency often come from worrying about the future or regretting the past. Cultivating a habit of living in the present can help ease these feelings. 

Mindfulness practices, like meditation, qi gong, or mindful walking, can anchor you in the present and reduce anxiety about what’s to come or what’s already happened.

More Guidance

Ever felt better after venting to a friend? Sharing your struggles lightens your emotional load and offers new perspectives. 

This is the part where I tell you to seek a practitioner for more guidance. And before you huff at my comment I want you to know that I totally get it! 

I’ve been there so many times too. It’s a whole thing trying to find the right person…the right fit. And who’s got that kind of time and resources anyway?! 

What I know though is that even when the practitioner wasn’t the greatest fit for me I still came out better than I went in.

It’s important and it will help. 

The Stats About Decision Fatigue

At the moment there’s an overwhelming amount of information and choice when it comes to health and wellness and what we’re seeing is our millennial communities and gen x are neglecting self care and well-being because of decision fatigue.

Aligning with a 2018 Harvard Business Review survey, showing 58% of millennials experienced burnout, often due to the constant influx of information and pressure to make the 'right' decisions- a 2020 report by Blue Cross Blue Shield highlighted 73% felt so overwhelmed by work and life responsibilities that they neglected their mental health needs. 

According to a 2021 study by Deloitte 44% felt overwhelmed by the multitude of choices available to them, particularly in areas such as career decisions, purchasing options, and lifestyle choices.

This year, Deloitte’s 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey connected with nearly 23,000 respondents across 44 countries, examining what's shaping the experiences of these gens globally.

Stress levels and mental health continue to be a concern, but thankfully there are some signs of improvement. 40% gen x and 35% millennials say they feel stressed all or most of the time (down from 46% and 39% in 2023).

These stats underscore a broader trend: the modern info landscape, with its infinite options and constant demands, is impacting the mental and physical health of millennials and gen x. 

Therapists, coaches, and mentors can offer valuable guidance and strategies for managing stress and reaching your goals. 

Explore your own pace, stay true to yourself 

In a world that glorifies hustle culture, it's easy to get stuck in the race and lose sight of what actually works. 
Be honest with what you’re doing and what you’re capable of.  

If you’re going to be distracted, distract yourself with practices of substance that actually add value to your life. 

Take nano breaks and watch as the parts of you begin to expand. 

It’s easy to fall into the urgency trap, constantly reacting to immediate demands rather than focusing on what actually matters. 

For millennials striving to achieve your ambitions and goals, this often leads to a sense of contraction and burnout. 

Instead, creating intentional space, taking mini breaks throughout the day and prioritising long-term objectives over short-term pressures can pave the way for your genuine growth. 

Here's to finding meaningful ventures in the midst of life's plentiful and beautiful distractions!