
How To Get To Sleep When You Can’t: A Practice That Guides You

In this post, I’ll reveal a certified method—tried, tested, and proven effective—to conquer sleepless nights. 

Get ready to understand how this practical strategy will help you achieve the restorative sleep you’ve been longing for, so you can wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.

The Cumulative Benefits of Yoga Nidra for Improving Sleep

When you can't get to sleep, it’s important to establish a consistent bedtime routine, create a relaxing sleep environment, and limit exposure to screens before bed. 

Additionally, incorporating mindfulness techniques such as Yoga Nidra can help calm the mind and promote deeper relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep.

Will Yoga Nidra be how you get to sleep when you can’t?

Imagine you’re lying down comfortably, ready to unwind after a long day. 

Unlike traditional meditation where you sit upright and focus on your breath, you’re about to experience Yoga Nidra; a practice that guides you into a state of conscious relaxation while keeping you fully aware. 

As you close your eyes, a soothing voice leads you through various stages of relaxation, visualisation, and introspection. You start feeling the benefits almost immediately.

Aerial view of a woman lying by a pool, wearing headphones, relaxed and listening to a yoga nidra
Photo by Bruno Gomiero on Unsplash

Reduce stress and anxiety

I’m a massive advocate of Yoga Nidra because it changed my life. And I saw it change many of my students' lives.

It never ceases to amaze me! Every single time! Even now, 12 years on. It has an unmatched ability to reduce stress and anxiety. There’s solid research supporting this too!

One study highlighted that just 11 minutes of mindfulness practice, like Yoga Nidra, significantly lowers stress levels and anxiety. 

It’s life-changing how such a short session can make such a big difference. If you don’t try it you’re missing out big time. 

It’s worth every minute if you’re looking for how to get to sleep.

Explore Mindfulness

Then there’s Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University. He’s a huge advocate too. And he’s contributed valuable insights into the neurobiological effects of mindfulness practices like Yoga Nidra. 

His research underscores how this practice can positively influence stress reduction, emotional regulation, and overall mental well-being. 

Huberman's work aligns with broader studies highlighting the efficacy of Yoga Nidra in promoting relaxation and enhancing sleep quality, making it a compelling practice for managing stress and anxiety.

Introduce a Simple Dynamic Rest Routine 

Even though it’s called "yogic sleep" you're actually in a state between being awake and asleep, where your body and mind are deeply relaxed but your consciousness remains active. 

This practice is not about falling asleep. It's about maintaining awareness while your body falls into its restorative mode.

So, how does it help you get to sleep when you can’t? 
It’s the cumulative effects of practising Yoga Nidra over time that help.  

The top 4 mechanisms of how it works

  1. Deep Relaxation: Regular practice trains your body and mind to enter a state of deep relaxation quickly, reducing stress and anxiety that can interfere with sleep.
  2. Enhanced Sleep Patterns: Consistent practice can regulate sleep patterns by teaching your body to recognise and transition into sleep more efficiently.
  3. Reduced Insomnia Symptoms: Over time, Yoga Nidra can decrease symptoms of insomnia by calming your nervous system and creating a mental association between the practice and restful sleep.
  4. Improved Mindfulness: It cultivates mindfulness, helping you become more aware of and able to release thoughts and tensions that keep you awake.
a woman learning how to get to sleep lying on a log surrounded by nature.
Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

How many hours of sleep is an hour of yoga nidra equal to?

An hour of Yoga Nidra is often said to be equivalent to several hours of regular sleep in terms of its rejuvenating effects on the body and mind. It’s because it allows your body to enter a state of deep relaxation similar to sleep, where your brain waves slow down and your muscles relax. 

It's kind of like high-quality magnesium. It doesn’t replace the need for regular sleep, but it does leave you feeling refreshed and revitalised, as if you’d slept deeply for longer.

Can I fall asleep to yoga Nidra and still benefit?

Yes, you can definitely fall asleep during a Yoga Nidra session and still benefit from its effects. 

The practice is designed to induce relaxation and promote a restful state, so if you doze off, it’s natural and part of the process. 

Even if you sleep, your subconscious mind continues to absorb the positive affirmations and visualisations which have beneficial effects on your overall well-being.

Can you be awake and asleep at the same time?

In a way, yes—you can experience a state where your body feels deeply relaxed as if you’re asleep. And yet your mind remains awake and aware. 

It’s this unique state that Yoga Nidra aims to induce.

During the practice, your consciousness remains active while your body reaches a state of relaxation not like anything you’ve ever experienced 

Check Your Sleep Quality

Keeping a metric journal is one of the simplest ways of tracking your sleep quality. It can be a game-changer for understanding how well you’re sleeping. 

Start by rating how tired you feel on a scale of 1 to 10 each day. Then, note how many times a week you did Yoga Nidra and for how long. 

This way, you can see the patterns and improvements in your sleep.

Your newfound ally in the quest for better sleep

As I wrap it up, I want to shout out to this hidden gem in the realm of sleep solutions. 

It's a transformative tool you've stumbled across.

This ancient beauty, blending relaxation with mindful awareness, has proven its ability to quiet the mind and soothe the body, even in the most restless of times. 

Here’s to unlocking the potential of your sleep health, and letting Yoga Nidra guide you towards a future filled with restful bliss and renewed vitality!

If you want to stop imagining the effortlessness of easing into deep sleep then this is for you…


Q. What is the most powerful supplement for sleep? 
A. The right type of Magnesium. Most people get 1-2 forms of synthetic magnesium (at best); which is why they typically feel little or nothing from supplements.
But there's a miracle that occurs when your body gets ALL the right type of magnesium that it needs, in all the forms that it needs at the optimal dosage.

Q. How can I treat insomnia in 12 minutes naturally? 
A. Take a blue light break. Focus on square breathing.

Q. Why is my body not letting me sleep? 
A. Your body might be making it hard to sleep. When you feel stressed your brain and body get busy and alert. This can make it tough to relax and fall asleep easily.

*The references below provide detailed information about the effectiveness of Yoga Nidra in improving sleep quality and reducing stress:

  • Effect of Yoga Nidra on Stress and Anxiety in College Students: Sahasi, G., Mohan, D., & Kacker, C. (2019). Effect of Yoga Nidra on Stress and Anxiety in College Students. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 29(1), 25-30.
  • Yoga Nidra Enhances Sleep Quality in Patients with Chronic Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial: Rani, S., & Telles, S. (2020). Yoga Nidra Enhances Sleep Quality in Patients with Chronic Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 26(4), 327-333.
  • The Impact of Yoga Nidra on Well-being and Stress in Healthcare Professionals: Thomas, K., Bannon, S., & Althoff, R. R. (2020). The Impact of Yoga Nidra on Well-being and Stress in Healthcare Professionals. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25(4), 287-297.